Every Students must follow the given instructions set by the School to maintain study compliance environment within the School -
- 01 Students must attend the class regularly except on holidays.
- 02 Students must attend the assembly and class as per the timing scheduled by the authority.
- 03 Students will disperse at mentioned time. Guardians/Drivers coming to pick up their wards will have to wait in the designated areas for their wards.
- 04 Students must wear school dress while attending the class and school functions.
- 05 Guardians will pay the monthly tuition fees by 10th day of each month. Fine will be imposed for late payment. For the non-payment of tuition fee for consecutive 03 months, admission of student will be cancelled.
- 06 Students will not engage in quarrelling or unsocial/unethical activities inside or outside school campus. Students must take care of the school property. No scratches, writings or drawings may be made on the school furniture or walls.
- 07 No books (other than text books or library books), mobile phone, magazines, CDs, Pen Drive etc. should be brought into the school. If those are brought, will be confiscated.
- 08 Students must be respectful to their parents, teachers and peers.