About Principal

Col. Mohammad Quasem psc (Retd.)


Al Hekmah International School

Principal's Message

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh!

It gives me immense pleasure to apprise you that Al Hekmah International School is now all set with full enthusiasm and determination to impart Modern Education and Islamic Education together.

We follow Cambridge curriculum with a commitment of using modern day teaching pedagogy to pursue an advanced and comprehensive academic programme. Our endeavor is to inculcate Islamic ways of life and practices into the pupils in accordance with Quran and Sunnah.

It is our pledge to provide a safe and nurturing environment wherein everyone is valued and respected. Our students are empowered to meet the current and future challenges. Our students will be lifelong learners through Islamic faith, the highest level of academic inspiration that will enable them to be ethical, compassionate, skillful and valuable members of the modern world.

Our qualified and experienced teachers of both Islamic and Cambridge Curriculum are committed to working hard to help the students achieve their full potential. So, it's our objective to act in integration for the all-round development of our children and also for their bright future.

Going through our prospectus, you'll get an idea about various aspects which we offer at Al Hekmah International School. Jazak Allahu Khairan for entrusting your child to us. I hope that all of you will feel proud of being a part of this blessed Islamic School.

Sincerely Yours

Col. Mohammad Quasem psc (Retd.)